How do I read and print from a Gale e-book I have found in Primo?
Read a Gale e-book
You can read the e-book through your web browser by clicking on the chapter you want to read in the table of contents.
You can switch between PDF and text view in the top right hand corner.
To listen to an audio version of the text, click Listen.
How do I print, listen or download a Gale e-book?
Options to print, email, download text or MP3 audio versions, and download to selected e-readers can be found under Tools on the right.
Advice on Off-Campus Access for Gale e-book
To access Gale Virtual Reference Library e-books off campus:
- After clicking view online, you will be prompted for your Aber username and password via Shibboleth.
Contact for this page:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: