How do I create a new share on my departmental

Instructions below will only apply for the owner of a departmental disk share

  • Login to MyAccount ( Where do I do that? )
  • Select Manage my departments disk shares
  • Select the server (e.g. infoserv.disk) you need to manage using the dropdown menu
  • Click Change Server

  • Provide the following info into the form:
  • Share Name
    Suitable name for the filestore title (i.e Group, Team or Project Name)
  • Share Owner
    Person you want to be able to delegate access to share (i.e Team/Project Leader)
    This does not necessarily need to be yourself as you will automatically be able to manage permissions for this share
  • Include Readonly (optional)
    Selecting this will create an extra user group that you can use later use to give users readonly access

  • Click Create Share
  • The share will be created and automatically be accessible to the share owner after 15 minutes
  • The share owner should then delegate users access ( How do they do that? )
Contact for this page:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: