How do I insert an image into a web page in the CMS?

  • Click on the name of the section.
  • Click on the Content tab.
  • Find the appropriate piece of content where the image should be added.
  • Click on the name of the content to open it.
  • Place your mouse cursor in the line on your page where you want your image to be.
  • Click the 'Add an image or link to a file from the Media Library' button.

  • Expand the Departmental category on the left by clicking on the plus sign next to it.
  • Scroll down to find the appropriate sub-category for your department and expand it.
  • Click on the appropriate sub-category where your image is stored
  • Click on the name of the image
    • If the image has no variants, it will now appear in your content editor window.
    • If the image has variants, you will be taken to the 'Select variant' screen where you can select the correct variant or the original image. Click on its name to select it. The chosen variant will now appear in your content editor window.
  • Double click on the image and the 'Set media attributes' window will pop up.

  • Type a brief description of the image in the alt box.
  • The standard position for your image will be on the right of the page with the text flowing round it on the left. If required, you may change how you would like to position your image.
    • To position it on the left with the text flowing round it, type float-left in the class box.
    • If you want your image to be in line with the text, type float-none in the class box.
    • If you want your image to be centred, type centre in the class box.
  • Click the 'Ok' button to save your changes to the media attributes.
  • Click the 'Save changes' button in the main content editor window to save your work.

Note: In order for the change to go live the content will need to be approved.