How do I add introductory text to my SharePoint site's homepage?

  • View your site homepage
  • Click on Page at the top left of the screen and select 'Edit Page'.
  • The page editing screen will appear:

  • Click on 'Add a Web Part' in the middle of the screen - the list of available web parts will appear:

  • Scroll down and click on 'Media and Content' in the menu on the left, to display the web parts in that category.
  • Select 'Content Editor' and click the Add button to add this web part.
  • The Content Editor web part will now display on the screen:

  • Click on 'Click here to add new content' and type some text as an introduction to your site.
  • To change the heading of the web part, move your mouse to the right of the current heading (Content Editor) to the very small triangle next to the check box.
  • Click the small triangle and choose 'Edit Web Part':

  • The Web Part properties bar will appear down the right of the screen.
  • Expand the 'Appearance' section:

  • Edit the 'Title' box and replace the text 'Content Editor' with the heading text you wish to use.
  • Click OK to finish.
  • Now that your site has introductory text, finish editing the page by clicking on Page in the top left corner, then click the Stop Editing button. 
  • Click on the Browse tab at the top of the screen to view your page as others will see it.