Who will have access to the information I submit to the hardship fund?

Your data will be held and managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. Aberystwyth University and its Data Protection Officer (infocompliance@aber.ac.uk) are responsible for the control of your data.

Under GDPR legislation, all data subjects have specified rights. Please see https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/infocompliance/dp/data-subject-rights/ and https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/ for further details.

The University will hold, and process, your data as it has a legitimate interest in doing so.  It is also subject to a number of legal obligations in relation to retention of this data, and will therefore retain submitted data for a maximum of 7 years, or in compliance with any other appropriate periods stated by the University’s Data Retention Policy.

The information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of the assessment and award of Aberystwyth Alumni Student Hardship Funds.

As such, your data will be made available to:

  • the members of Staff in Student Support and Careers Services and responsible for the assessment and administration of applications
  • staff in the Finance Office responsible for payment
  • The University Auditors, on request.

Award details are stored on the University’s database management system so that award notifications may be sent automatically via email and for the purpose of managing the hardship fund.

Your data will not normally be transferred outside the UK.  Students who are on placement abroad may choose to submit their data for assessment from abroad at their own risk, bearing in mind the possibility that external communication methods may be insecure.

If you are unhappy about the way your data has been managed you can contact the University’s Information Compliance team infocompliance@aber.ac.uk to express your concerns. You also have the right to make a complaint to the ICO https://ico.org.uk/

Contact for this page:
Student Support Services, Student Welcome Centre, Aberystwyth University, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3FB
Tel: 01970 62 1761/2087 Email: student-support@aber.ac.uk