How do I import records into Aspire from Mendeley?

Go to the Mendeley platform on your desktop (If you don't already have Mendeley installed, you can do so from )

On your Mendeley desktop, in the left-hand pane, and under “My Library” , click “All documents” to display your list of references

Now, hold the ctrl key and click to select the list of references you wish to export into Aspire.

Under the menu bar, select “File” and then “Export” or simply press crtl+E to export.

The "Export selected documents" page is displayed

Add an appropriate file name e.g. "week one reading list". From the drop down list, in the “ save as type” box, select RIS - Research Information Systems (*ris.) and then click save.

Now, go to your desktop and open the RIS file you just saved i.e. "week one reading list". This file automatically sync’s with your EndNote desktop library. Select the references listed, and select “export” from the drop down menu under “File”.

Choose an appropriate file name (It is advisable that you use the original name as that used when exporting your references from Mendeley). In the “Save as type” box, make sure the “ Text File (*txt)” file type is displayed. For output style, select the “Refman (RIS) Export” style and save .

Now go to and sign-in. Click on My Bookmarks.

Select the drop down arrow next to “Add” and select “Import citations” .


The "import resources page" is displayed. Click “browse” to locate the RIS file from EndNote previously saved. Select “open” and then “import” to import the file into Aspire.


The following message will be displayed to confirm that your references have been successfully imported.


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