How can I use an image I have found on the web?

When using images you have found on the Internet you should be aware that you are bound by Copyright legislation - you can find details on the AU Copyright pages. You should always include a reference to the source of the image.

If you are sure you are not infringing copyright you can download images as follows:

  • Right click on the image
  • From the menu which appears select Save picture as or Save image as
  • Save the image (with a sensible name) to the hard drive of the computer you are using
  • To use the image in a file you should go to the Insert menu and select Picture
  • Browse to where you saved the image, click on it and click Open/Insert
  • If you wish to keep a copy of the image independently from your file you should copy it from the hard drive to your AU filestore, USB drive etc ( How do I do that? )
  • If you do not follow the instructions above you may have problems saving, viewing or printing your document
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