This information applies only to the Ultra Course View.

This information applies only to the Ultra experience.

Your Course View

 All of your course content appears in the main part of the page. When you open a content item, such as a test, it slides out in a panel on top of the Course Content page. Close the panel to go back to where you were previously. 

If you see a gauge icon next to your files, your institution uses Blackboard Ally to measure the accessibility of your course content. To learn more, visit Ally help for instructors.

Course Content page

Learn Ultra supports up to three levels of hierarchy for content nesting on the Course Content page. For example, a folder within a folder is two levels. A folder within a folder within a learning module is an example of three levels. Your institution can choose to add an additional level of content nesting. Ask your Ultra administrator whether your institution uses this option.

Learning module showing 3 layers of nesting

When you select a folder or learning module, it will expand to display the content nested inside that folder or learning module. When you select an item such as an assessment, document, or link, the content slides out in a panel on top of the Course Content page. Close the panel to navigate back to where you were previously. 

You can search for course content by title by selecting the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page.

Details & Actions 

Details & Actions gives you a variety of tools for managing your course.

The Details & Actions sidebar

A. Roster: View your class list. You can access basic profile cards and match faces to names. You can also send messages to anyone involved with your course. 

B. Progress Tracking: Track student progress relating to content and assessments in your course. Your institution can choose whether or not to allow you to turn Progress Tracking on or off. 

C. Course Image: If allowed by your institution, you can add a course banner image to personalize your course. Your image is displayed along the top of the Course Content page and as the course card thumbnail in the Courses list in the base navigation. 

D. Course is open: Open a course when you're ready for students to participate. You can also make a course private while you add or experiment with content, and then open it to students when you're ready. Students see private courses in their course lists, but they can't access them. 

E. Class Collaborate: If your institution has this integration, you can use Class Collaborate sessions as a convenient launch point for scheduled and impromptu workspaces for students. 

F. Attendance: If your institution has this feature turned on, mark attendance grades and access detailed records

G. Books & Tools: Displays tools available in your course and your institution. 

H. Question Banks: Create a database of questions you can reuse in multiple assessments. You can create new question banks or import existing ones to use in your courses. 

I. Microsoft Teams: If your institution uses this integration, you can set up a Team class for your course

J. Add course schedule: Add when your class meets as a calendar event. You can also include a location. Select Skip if you don’t want to be prompted to add a course schedule. If you later decide to add one, go to the Calendar page.

New conversation activity

If you've turned on conversations on content, activity icons appear for new conversation activity.

Blue conversation notification next to a course content item on the Course Content page

The activity icon, which resembles a speech bubble, also appears with new discussions and group conversation activity. 

More on conversations

Watch a video about the course environment

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Navigate Inside a course with the Ultra Experience showcases Ultra's modern, comfortable, and simple interface. The streamlined navigation and workflows are designed to allow you to get in, get done, and get out.