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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Recent and upcoming changes to systems and services
Change to Microsoft 365 2-factor authentication options
Changes to IP Addresses
How are Departmental PCs supplied?
Use of USB data storage devices
Why am I seeing an 'Improve your sign-ins' prompt when I login to my account?
FAQs to help returning students
How can I obtain a certificate from the University confirming my student registration?
How do I Register as a new student?
How do I change my Study Scheme/Module?
How do I send documents to print?
How do I speak/email/on-line chat with someone about my Academic enquiry?
How do I top up my Aber Card?
I am going to be late Registering, what should I do?
I have forgotten my password what should I do?
I'm a returning student but I didn't complete Provisional Registration
My question isn't listed, who can I contact for further assistance?
What is the deadline for Registering?
What should I do if my University wireless connection isn't working?
When and where can I see the Student Fees Team?
Where and when should I register for my modules?
Where can I check if my University IT account and password is working?
Where can I check my University email?
Where can I collect my car parking permit?
Where can I revalidate my Aber Card?
FAQs to help you with your studies
Blackboard Test taking guidelines (Student)
Browser Guidance for Students Using Blackboard and Turnitin
Can I appeal my module mark?
Can I borrow equipment from Information Services?
How and where can I print?
How can I make sure I don't lose my work?
How can I return my library loans?
How do I add my timetable to my personal calendar (iCal)?
How do I change my Study Scheme/Module?
How do I find a book in Primo?
How do I request a postal loan from the library?
How do I send documents to print?
How do I speak/email/on-line chat with someone about my Academic enquiry?
How do I submit a Turnitin assignment? (Student)
How do I use the Blackboard App?
How do I view a Panopto lecture recording?
How do I view my email over the Web?
The item I want is not in any of the University libraries, what can I do?
What am I searching in Primo?
What software is available in the computer rooms?
When and where can I see the Student Fees Team?
Where are there computers on campus available for me to use?
Where can I check my University email?
Where can I find a list of computer rooms and their locations?
Where can students and staff download Microsoft Office for their own computer for free?
Where do I find the reading list for the module I'm studying?
FAQs to help you during the vacation
Are the libraries open during the vacations?
Can I access the software in the computer rooms from off-campus?
How can I return my library loans?
How do I find an e-book in Primo?
How do I read and print from an e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I resit an Exam/s?
Where can I find my Exam Results?
Frequently Asked Questions
Information Services
Student Support Services