How do I allocate students to groups in Scientia?

  • Open Scientia (How do I access Scientia?)
  • Once Scientia window opened, go to Course Planner, then Planning, then Dashboard:

Window showing how to access the Dashboard

  • In the Dashboard window expand the Department(s) dropdown box:

Department selection window

  • If you have a department already listed on the right hand side then press

Selection button

button next to it to select it and then

Double left arrow button

to move it to the left

  • Now find your department in the left hand section of the window and select it by pressing

Selection button

button next to it, then press

Double right arrow button

button to move the selected department to the right hand section of the window

  • Press the x button in the bottom left part of the window to apply changes
  • The Dashboard window will up-date showing the data for your department in green and red bars
  • Next, in Templates section of the Dashboard window press Show button next to Total:
  • You will see all templates to which you have access. You can now scroll to the one that needs students allocating or use the filter box to filter the list:Template selector screenshot
  • Highlight the template that needs allocating and then press Template Allocator button
  • In the new window you can move students to the desired group by ticking the corresponding box. Unallocated students will appear in bold. Where a group size exceeds the planned group size, the numbers at the bottom of screen will turn red - however, this does not necessarily constitute a problem:

Allocation window screenshot

  • Press OK to confirm your changes
  • Now return to the main Scientia screen and press

Floppy disc button

floppy disc button to save your changes. It may take a while to save - the animated bars in the bottom right of the window indicate that the saving is in progress

Animated bars icon

Please wait until they disappear before moving on to another template.

Please consider room capacities when allocating the students.

Save as soon as practically possible and at least after each template.

Remember to press the Refresh button if you left the screen open for a while.