How to apply CSS style to the Timetable pages?

To create the Zones page (list of buildings):

First create a list and add the thumbnail and title of each room, it should look like the below:

Then select the first image and make it a link:

Then select the first title and make it a link:

Do this to all your images and titles. Then go to Source code:
And add a class of sw-image-menu to the < ul > so it should look like this < ul class="sw-image-menu" >

To create the Building page (list of rooms):
To add the extra information under each room open notepad and create a simple list including the new information:

Then go to source code and add this code after the title. Also, add the class ‘extra-info’ next to ‘sw-image-menu’ so it look like < ul class="sw-image-menu extra-info" >

Finally create any links that are needed in the sub list: