How do I enable index page generation on my webpages?
Automatic index page generation on is disabled by default. It can be enabled for specific folders:
- Open a terminal session and log-on to the account you are working with
- Change directory (use the command cd directoryname substituting the name of your folder) until you are in the directory you wish to index e.g. cd public_html/my_website
- You will need to create a file called .htaccess. If you are already using an .htaccess file for another purpose e.g. to password protect your web page, you will need to edit the existing file
- Type pico .htaccess to open a text editor
- If you haven't used an .htaccess file before in this folder, you will see a blank document
- If you've already used an .htaccess file before, you will see the existing contents of the file
- Enter the text below into pico (or add it as an additional line to your existing file):
Options +Indexes - Save this file by using Ctrl+O and entering the file name .htaccess
- Press return to confirm the file name and press Ctrl+X to quit the pico editor
- Set the permissions on the .htaccess file by typing in chmod 644 .htaccess and press return
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Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: