How do I get started with Ultra Base Navigation?

Ultra Base Navigation:

Landing page of Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation showing Courses with Ultra Base Navigation Menu down the left hand side

Institution page showing support materials and useful links for staff and students


1. Why has Blackboard changed?

See our FAQ Why has Blackboard changed for further information.

2. What is Ultra Base Navigation?

See our FAQ What is Ultra Base Navigation for further information.

3. What is a Course?

There is a Blackboard course for each of the modules you are taking or teaching at AU. To find out more about the course page, have a look at the Blackboard guide for students and staff.

4. What is an Organisation?

We use Organisations to give you access to Blackboard sites that aren’t linked to taught modules. On the Organisations page you’ll see your Departmental Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Staff course, as well as online training courses. Staff will also find their practice Blackboard site on this page.

5. Where is my profile?

To access your Profile, click on your name on the left-hand menu. On this page you can change your language settings.

6. Where can I find accessibility information about Ultra Base Navigation?

Ultra Base Navigation is compatible with screen readers and keyboard navigation. Blackboard’s Accessibility Guidance provides further information.

7. What is an Institution page?

This page is used to broadcast important messages to all users and links to our guidance. Please have a look at this page regularly for new information.

8. What is Activity Stream?

The activity stream shows what's happening in your courses. The Blackboard help site contains more information. Please note that when you read the Blackboard guide, look at the details for Original Courses.

9. How do I search for courses?

You can search for a course on your list using the Search box on the Courses Page. If there are courses you use a lot, use the star (favourite) icon. This will add that course to the top of your list. Find out more about using the Course Page from the Blackboard guide for students and staff.

10. What is Calendar?

The calendar contains details of any deadlines in Blackboard as well as any events added by staff to Blackboard. You can either view a traditional calendar view (Schedule) or a list of deadlines (Due Date). Note that this calendar does not show your timetable (how to access your timetable).

11. What is Messages?

Messages are not currently used by AU. The link cannot be removed from Blackboard, but you will not receive any messages on this page.

12. What is Marks?

The Marks page gives students access to all the marks in Blackboard for all courses. Staff can use this page to see details of any work that needs to be marked.

13. What is Tools?

The Tools page is not currently used by AU. The link cannot be removed from Blackboard, you will not see any Tools on this page.

14. How do I navigate to old courses?

All previous years’ courses will appear on the Courses list. You can use the Search function to find them. You can also find them by using the dropdown arrow from Courses and selecting the correct year.

15. How do I change the image icon for my course? (staff)

Instructions are available from the Blackboard help pages. Follow the instructions from bullet point 3.

16. How do I change my notification settings?

Information on how to change your notification settings are available on the Blackboard help pages.

17. How do I change my language?

You can change your language from your Profile Page. You will enter Blackboard in your preferred language as defined in your staff or student record.



Contact for this page:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
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