Has a reading list been created for my module in Aspire and has it been published?
- Go to Aspire Reading Lists and Log In (How do I do that?)
- Search for the full module code of the list you want to check e.g. FM24420
The term List, indicates that a reading list has been published for this module; in this example you can see the list used in 2016-2017 and a more recent one available from 2018-2019.
- If you need to edit a list that has been published by somebody else, follow these instructions here
- If the term Draft list is showing, this indicates a reading list has been created but has not yet been published. Draft lists can be edited and published ( How do I do this? )
- If only the term Module is showing then no list is attached to this module and you can proceed to add a new list ( How do I do this? )
- If both terms List and Draft appear, it means there are unpublished changes in the draft which you can make live by publishing the draft or discard by editing the list.
It is possible that an Aspire list has been created for your module in the past but now has a different code. If you searched for the last year's code and nothing is found
- Search for the module title
If you find a list with a different code for your module and you want to re-purpose it, the list must be copied and modified before you can use it (How do I do that?)
Library staff archive Aspire lists for modules not being taught in the current year. If you are creating a list for a returning module, you can check the archives to see if there is a list you could re-purpose (How do I do that?)
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: is@aber.ac.uk