I am having problems accessing e-resources off campus, what should I do?

  • Ensure that web browsing is working on your computer by visiting a couple of other websites 

  • Check if there is any scheduled maintenance or unscheduled downtime reported which may be affecting AU services or the resource provider ( How do I do that? )

  • Ensure you have followed the authentication advice in the off-campus advice FAQ

  • Do not pay to access anything. The Library offers a range of request services to supply resources required by students and staff that are not in stock or only available in print

  • You may have found a journal article in Primo but the link takes you to the journal home page rather than the article itself. You can either search from the journal home page for the article or use the volume, issue and pages information in the Primo search result to browse to it

  • You may have found an article in a journal to which the Library has access to only part of the publication run. You can check the journal holdings in Primo (How do I do that?

You are welcome to contact your subject librarian for help locating resources to support study or research. Either email librarians@aber.ac.uk or book a Teams appointment at https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/is/library-services/librarians/

Reporting a fault

  • If an online resource you have found in Primo does not click through successfully to the full text, please click the Report a Problem button in the Primo search result explaining briefly what happens. The report form will also collect additional diagnostic information to assist Library staff investigating the problem.

If you are unable to access an AU-subscribed ebook, ejournal, online article or another source e.g. from the Database Searches, please email ejournals@aber.ac.uk or phone 01970622400 with the following information:

  • which resource you were trying to access
  • the date and time you tried 
  • the error message you received (if any) with a screenshot if possible
  • if you were at home, your workplace or elsewhere


Contact for this page:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: is@aber.ac.uk