How do I add a journal article to an Aspire reading list?

On the page which contains bibliographic detail about the article including the DOI or other permanent link (not the table of contents for the issue)

  • Click on the Aspire bookmarklet button or the Talis extension icon in your browser window (How do I do that?)

A new Aspire record opens with Resource Type: Article and two tabs, one for the Article and one for the Journal.

If the article has Resource Type: Webpage or Document instead, cancel it and try adding the article manually ( How do I do that? )

  • Click Create & Add to List to immediately add your bookmark to an existing list ( How do I do that? )

Important: if the full text of the article is not available you will need to request a digitisation (How do I do that?) A link to the digitised chapter will be added by library staff to the Aspire bookmark.


  • Click Create if you want to add a bookmark for later addition to a list ( How do I do that? )
Contact for this page:
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: