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Frequently Asked Questions
m drive
Frequently Asked Questions
Accessing Personal Filestore
How do I map a network drive/connect to my personal filestore (M drive)? (Mac)
How do I map a network drive/connect to my personal filestore (M drive)? (Windows)
How do I map my IBERS personal drive?
How do I use SCP to connect to my University filestore? (Other clients)
What items are for sale in the Hugh Owen Library?
Where can I buy a USB drive?
Where can I buy a wireless adaptor?
Where can I buy blank CDs and DVDs?
Where can I buy headphones?
Using OneDrive
How do I access OneDrive from my phone or tablet? (Android)
How do I access OneDrive from my phone or tablet? (iOS)
How do I access OneDrive? (Webmail)
How do I connect OneDrive to Microsoft Office?
How do I connect OneDrive to my computer (Mac)?
How do I connect OneDrive to my computer?
How do I create a new document in OneDrive?
How do I delete a file in OneDrive?
How do I download files I have saved in OneDrive? (Webmail)
How do I move my files on OneDrive?
How do I print from OneDrive?
How do I restore a file I have deleted from OneDrive?
How do I revert to an earlier version of my document in OneDrive?
How do I share a file or folder in OneDrive?
How do I upload a file to OneDrive?
My mapped OneDrive or SharePoint site isn't working, what can I do?
Using Personal Filestore
How can I recover files from my M drive I have deleted in error?
How can I reduce the amount of personal filestore (M drive) quota I am using?
How do I check how much personal filestore (M drive) quota I have left?
How do I download documents from my M drive before my account locks?
How do I edit and resave a document from my shared drive while it is read only?
How do I map my IBERS personal drive?
How do the University filestore (M drive) backups work?
How much personal filestore (M drive) am I allocated?
What will happen if I go over my personal filestore (M drive) quota?
Using USB Drives
Bitlocker will not work on my USB drive, what should I do?
How do I access a document on my USB drive?
How do I change the bitlocker password on my USB drive?
How do I encrypt my USB drive (Mac)?
How do I encrypt my USB drive (Windows)?
How do I format my memory stick to HFS (Mac)?
How do I open my bitlocker encrypted USB drive on my Mac?
How do I save a document on my USB drive?
I have a document on my USB drive, will I have to encrypt my USB drive before I can access it on my staff PC?
I have forgotten the bitlocker password for my USB pen drive, what can I do?
If I choose not to encrypt my USB drive on my staff PC what will happen?
Use of USB data storage devices
Will I be able to use my encrypted USB drive on other computers?
Frequently Asked Questions
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