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Frequently Asked Questions
Primo VPN
Frequently Asked Questions
About Primo
How do I find full-text articles in Primo Articles?
Setting your preferred language on Primo
Primo And Aspire (staff)
Can I sort my Aspire bookmark list in alphabetical order?
Has a reading list been created for my module in Aspire and has it been published?
How can I add an Online Resource button to an item in an Aspire reading list?
How do I add a DVD in Primo to Aspire?
How do I add a book in Primo to an Aspire reading list?
How do I add a book manually to my Aspire reading list?
How do I add a book that is not in Primo to an Aspire reading list?
How do I add a book using the Add Resource button to my Aspire reading list?
How do I add a journal article to an Aspire reading list?
How do I add a note to student or a note to library in Aspire?
How do I add a reading list for a module awaiting approval?
How do I add an article to an Aspire reading list?
How do I add more information to a book or other item in Aspire e.g. a volume or url?
How do I change my profile in Aspire?
How do I edit a module reading list in Aspire?
How do I edit an item in my Aspire reading list?
How do I edit the attributes of my Aspire list e.g. title, semester?
How do I import records into Aspire from Mendeley?
How do I set the importance for an item in Aspire i.e. Essential or Further Reading?
How do I update my reading list?
I need to edit a reading list that was added to Aspire by someone else - what do I need to do?
I want to add a book in Primo to Aspire but it has no ISBN - what can I do?
I'm the co-ordinator of a module - how do I make myself the reading list owner in Aspire?
I've made a change to my Aspire list and republished - when will it show in the Blackboard module?
Where can I find self-paced training materials for Aspire Reading Lists?
Where can a find a DOI for an article I want to add to Aspire?
Primo Central
How do I find full-text articles in Primo Articles?
Primo E-shelf
How do I email my Primo 'Saved Items' to myself?
Why should I sign in before searching Primo?
Primo Exports
How do I export an Aspire reading list to a PDF, spreadsheet or referencing software?
Primo Requests
How do I find a book in Primo?
How do I request a book from the External Store?
How do I request a rare book?
How do I request a specific volume of a journal from the External Store?
Where can I view requests I've made in Primo?
Primo Reservations
How do I cancel a book I have requested?
How do I request a book/journal?
Where can I view requests I've made in Primo?
Primo Search Results
How do I email my Primo 'Saved Items' to myself?
How do I find the full text of articles in journals I have found in Primo or elsewhere?
How do I read and print from an e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I search the Aberystwyth Research Portal via Primo?
How do I store records I have found in Primo?
I've found a book in Primo - is it a print book, an e-book or both?
The book I have found in Primo displays 'Available at'
What does '2 versions of this record exist' mean in Primo?
Searching Primo
How do I find a book in Primo?
How do I find an e-book in Primo?
How do I find full-text articles using bibliographic databases?
How do I find full-text journal articles?
How do I find journals in Primo?
How do I read and print from a CUP e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a Cab e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a Cambridge Core e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a EBSCOhost e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a JSTOR e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a ProQuest Ebook Central e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a Project MUSE e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a Springer Link e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from an ABC-CLIO e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from an Academic Library e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from an Oxford e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I save a search in Primo?
How do I search the Aberystwyth Research Portal via Primo?
LibKey Nomad
What am I searching in Primo?
Where can I find library resources for my studies?
Where can I find out about copyright use?
Where can a find a DOI for an article I want to add to Aspire?
Why should I sign in before searching Primo?
Starting With Primo
How do I sign in to Primo?
Setting your preferred language on Primo
Where is the Aberystwyth University library catalogue?
Using Primo
Can I search for a DOI in Primo?
Can I see if a book I've found in Primo is on a module reading list?
How can I tell if I'm signed in to Primo?
How can I tell if a book is out on loan?
How do I read and print from a Cab e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from a Gale e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I read and print from an e-book I have found in Primo?
How do I refine my Primo search results?
How do I save a search in Primo?
How do I search the Aberystwyth Research Portal via Primo?
I've found a book in Primo - is it a print book, an e-book or both?
I've found a book in Primo - where do I look to see how many copies there are?
Setting your preferred language on Primo
Where can I check my library account?
Why should I sign in before searching Primo?
How do I access e-resources off campus?
How do I log in to a University owned computer off-campus?
How do I set up GlobalProtect VPN (Android)?
How do I set up GlobalProtect VPN (Linux)?
How do I set up GlobalProtect VPN (Mac)?
How do I set up GlobalProtect VPN (Windows)?
How do I set up GlobalProtect VPN (iOS)?
How do I set up my computer to use VPN?
How do I uninstall GlobalProtect VPN from my computer? (Windows)
How do I update my VPN to use the new service (all devices)?
My VPN connection does not seem to working, what can I do?
My VPN connection isn't working, what can I try? (Mac)
Where can I test my network speed?
Frequently Asked Questions
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